Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oficina week 9 - Alan

Mi querida familia,
We´re taking preparation day today because this week we have a special conference with Pres. Hinckley for 2 days and some other things going on. There really is no set schedule being in the office. Things are finally starting to slow down a little bit in the office because we´re finally getting pisos done. The mission is growing so that´s why there´s been so many new pisos. We´ve been around 95-100 missionaries since I came in but we´re going to get up to like 120 in the next couple of months if everyone gets here on time! We´ll see if we ever get to the number of missionaries that mom and dad´s mission had. If we do, I hope im not in the office. HahaThe miracle i wanted to share was with a man named Alan from Peru. Elder Krasnoselsky and I were on the metro about a week and a half ago going to the church to teach our english class and we saw a man sitting farther up the metro talking with some friends. As i looked at him i felt like i had met him before. He looked so familiar but i didn´t know where i had seen him from. We both got off the metro and we started to walk towards him. We said hello and I asked him "¿Nos hemos conocido antes?" and he answered "Yes, I think we have" in English! He said "I dont know where we´ve met but when I saw you I felt something like some kind of magnetic attraction" and I told him that´s exactly how I felt. We told him about the message we share and how God leads us to people He has prepared. He asked us where we were going and we said we were going to the church to teach English and we asked him if he wanted to come with us and he said "alright lets go!" He sat through the class, we taught him afterwards in the church, talked about baptism and gave him a Book of Mormon. He didn´t accept a fecha right then but he said he loved to read and he´d always been searching for the right church. He came to a baptism the next day and we taught him some more. BUT we found out he didn´t live in our area, so we passed him to the Hermanas and they´ve taught once and are going to meet with him again tomorrow. The Spirit works in so many different ways and I know it worked through Alan and us. It´s such a blessing to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and it´s so important to always stay worthy of it. If we are, God can work through us and through others. Loves

Elder Reeves

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