Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oficina week 7 - Transfer week

It was transfers!! We had 4 Elders and 2 sisters come in. I finished getting a piso in the island of Ibiza! Its the first time Ibiza will ever have had missionaries in the history of the mission! Crazy huh? Elder Allphin, the ayudante, got sent out there to train one of the nuevos named Elder Roco from Chile. Theyre going to do super good there. The new ayudante is Elder Middleton from England! He´s so good and hilarious. I´m startin to talk in my English accent all the time now. Eric would have a lovely conversation with him if he was here. Elder Krasnoselsky and i are still together but Elder Call left us to go up to Girona. We miss him but its easier to be in a twosome. It was fun seeing the whole mission change during transfers.
This week a miracle that we saw was having 4 investigators come to church. In our area of Barri Gòtic we´ve struggled getting people to church and this week we were so blessed. Elder Krasnoselsky and I were thinking about how this miracle was able to happen and we realized that these 4 investigators are the ones that we know for sure have been reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning. Once again we´ve seen miracles come from the power of the Book of Mormon.

This might be the shortest email ive ever sent but we have to get going. Im so grateful for your prayers and support. Loves!

Elder Reeves

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oficina week 6 - Dr. Esparza

Hello my wonderful family

Val it sounds like your having just as many miracles that im having. Its the best to experience. Other normal/day-to-day experiences are the best too. One crazy experience we had this last week.... we were going to a visit with a missionary senior couple who are in our ward and we told them that we were in probably the most ghetto part of Barcelona, but that they would be safe because they were with us missionaries. We had a super good visit and then left to go back to piso because the day was over and when we got outside, there was this huge group of people gathered around someone. We looked in the group and there was a man face down on the ground in the middle of the street! Dont worry it wasnt as bad as it sounds. It seemed like maybe he had just passed out from being drunk or he just fainted or something because there wasnt any blood. And luckily the police was already there and an ambulance was on the way. It was pretty funny though because we had just told the Browns that nothing would happen and then that happened. I dont know if anyone wanted to hear that story but just to give you a little taste of my experiences haha
Alright now on the more spiritual side. The miracle this week is from our investigators Dr. Rafael Esparza and his girlfriend Bertila. Rafael is a retired dentist from Cuba but he loves going by his title so we usually just call him Doctor haha anyways...... The first couple of times we met with them, Bertila wasn´t really interested because she comes from a very strong Catholic background. Yes, she´s a spaniard. This last week we invited both Rafael and Bertila to read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon together and to pray. We also gave Bertila her own copy for when she went home so she could read on her own. When they both came to church on sunday, Rafael pulled us aside and said, "Bertila is really thinking about this stuff. If I get baptized, she wants to get baptized too." They still have a long ways to go because they have to get married first, but it was amazing to see the power of the Book of Mormon and prayer work with them. They know now that the Book of Mormon is really a book from God and another testament of Jesus Christ. It really is our most powerful tool in missionary work.
I wanted to use a little missionary work with the fam... I know its kinda late from the beginning of the year but what we´ve been doing with all of our investigators is inviting them to read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon this year and read it each day until they finish. And each time they start to read, to start with a prayer and ask for understanding from the Spirit. So i want to invite the WHOLE family and anyone who´s reading this email to start from the beginning of the Book of Mormon and use prayer each time you read. It´s not a bad idea to end with prayer each time too if you want. I really have started to see so many miracles from it and i know it will bless everyone´s life who does it.
Love you fam and we´ll talk next week.

Elder Reeves

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Site Seeing Bike Ride Today

Oficina week 5 - Solo


Wow im finding more and more out about how much stuff there really is to do here in the office. Elder Bronson, the last distribution secretary, left to his new area on tuesday so im flying solo!! Everything´s going pretty good except for the fact that we´re trying to get 7 new pisos right now for the missionaries and it´s the most work ive ever done. It seriously feels like im in the real-estate business. But im still loving it! My companions are the best. Elder Call is such a hard worker and doesnt stop until my lungs are seriously burning. Elder Krasnoselsky is always in a good mood and trying to crack jokes. Elder Call will be leaving most likely next week too so it will just be me, Elder Krasnoselsky, Elder Tyler and Elder Hastings in the office. And Elder Allphin, one of the ayudantes who lives in my same piso, will probably be transferred this next transfer because he´s been ayudante since like last june i think. So the whole time ive been out on my mission he´s been ayudante haha. It will be weird with all the changes but i guess that´s the life of a missionary.
Today was so much fun. Us 5 office elders all rented bikes for a couple of hours and went cruising around Barcelona. It was incredible. The whole time we were riding around i was thinking, "who ever gets to do this??" I really feel so blessed to be here in this mission and to be having the experiences that i have every day. Im trying to learn the balance between the office work and the missionary work we have to do in our area. Because honestly we could be here in the office all day every day and we still wouldnt get everything done. But really the office work isnt nearly as important as the work that we have to do in our area. It is important but in a different way. It´s a weird feeling to have to be helping the mission but at the same time be saving souls. So keep praying for me and my companions and our investigators. Im so thankful for everything you do for me, fam. Your the best. Loves

Elder Reeves

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oficina week 4 - 448.....449.....450.........451

Well fam............ WE DID IT. We were blessed with 451 baptisms in the year of 2011. just one over to give Satan a little slap in the face. haha but it seriously was amazing being in the office during the end of the year and seeing all these miracles come together and us reach the goal that we set 12 months ago. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, fasting, and faith. We really couldnt have done it without all of those things.
Wow the book that all the brothers and sisters made this year for mom and dad was amazing!! i love it! Ive been reading things that i never even knew about our family. I guess thats what happens being the caboose of 13. you just hear all the stories that happened 40 years before. Haha the book and pictures really made me realize how blessed i am to be in our family. Im convinced there´s no other family in the world as incredible as ours. I just also wanted to thank you mom and dad for all that youve taught me in my 19 years of life. You two are the closest examples to perfection anyone can get. Ive seen the way youve raised us kids and it makes me know what i need to do and who i want to be with my own future family. Thank you so much. I love you both. and i love you too rest of the fam.
The office life is good. ive pretty much learned everything i need to do with pisos, cars, orders, mail....... and the list never stops it seems like. its super busy all the time and im getting calls from missionaries all day long. Its actually a blessing being able to talk with everyone and meet the whole mission though. Can you believe President is trusting me to drive all around Barcelona?? Im loving it. Its pretty crazy sometimes and im pretty sure there´s like no laws to driving except for the speed limit. but its fun.A miracle i saw this last week was on sunday 1 of Jan. when we went to see a contact that we met in a visit with another investigator. We got to the building that she lived in and the main door was open so we just walked in. We realized inside that there were 2 staircases that went up both sides of the building and the numbers of the pisos were the same on both sides. So we just decided to go to the staircase on the left and knock the door of the address. A lady answered the door and we asked if our contact was there. She said, "oh you need to go to the other staircase, she lives over there." Instead of just saying thank you and going to the other staircase, we decided to take advantage and introduce ourselves. We talked for a minute, found out her name is Keli and she´s from Bolivia. Then asked her if we could come back another time to visit her. She thought about it for a second and then said, "well im about to eat my dinner right now... but could you come in for a little bit?" We went in and had a way good lesson zero with her. We asked her why she wanted us to come into her house and she said that it was a perfect way to start off the year talking and learning about God. She told us about how her grandma had passed away the day before and she´s learned just to put her life in God´s hands. Keli came to our family home evening activity on monday night and is progressing with the desires to get baptized. I know sometimes the Spirit works through us even without us noticing sometimes. If we are worthy and we have the desires to do God´s will, the Spirit will just work through us naturally. Keep praying for Keli and all of our investigators so that they can come to know of the truthfulness and enter into the fold of God.
I miss you all like crazy but im so glad to be out serving the Lord and helping His children find the happiness that our family has. The miracles never cease in the kingdom of God. Keep being the best family ever. Loves

Elder Reeves