Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oficina week 11 - Like father, like son

Wow Uncle Robert´s mission is dividing?? That´s crazy! How are they doing by the way? Has Brian put in his papers? Tell me when he gets called to serve here in Barcelona and then i´ll train him when he comes. Haha i wish.Ok i´m already signed up to be the first one to go to Africa with Jess and Reid. I seriously would love that so much. My love for Africans has exploded while on the mission. In Lleida we taught probably at least one lesson with an African every day. You just tell me Jess and Reid what you need me to do and I´m there! At least when I get back from the mission. My story this week actually kind of has a little bit to do with a Nigerian recent convert.
This last weekend I went on intercambios with one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Estrada (yes, my same zone leader in Lleida... we just follow each other around). I went up to Badalona (right outside of Barcelona) and was there for a couple of days. I was kinda sad though because Elder Pericle (my "pops") came to do intercambios with the Ayudantes at the same time. But it was fine because I got back saturday morning and we went to the baptism of the other Elder´s investigator, John. He´s from Nigeria and is so humble. He´s the only active African in our ward right now and doesnt speak much spanish but he knows that the church is true and he loves coming to church. Anyways, all of us missionaries were there and after the baptism Elder Middleton and Elder Pericle wanted to teach their investigators so we did splits and I went with Elder Pericle and taught a lesson to one of their investigators, Natalie. We both didn´t really know her but we taught with the Spirit and we invited her to be baptized. She accepted a baptismal invitation without any questions. It was just like the old days... Except i can actually kind of speak Spanish now! But it was so fun to be with Elder Pericle again teaching. Natalie came to church the next day and is progressing super well. Even though she´s not my investigator, it made me realize more that we´re all in the same work and that ALL need to come unto Christ and enter into the kingdom of God.
Here´s some more pictures from Elder Krasnoselsky´s and Archie´s cameras. As you can tell, Archie is everywhere. He takes at least 50 pictures every time he´s with us. I love you all and pray for you every day. Stay strong through the hard times and come unto Christ. He is the Savior and Redeemer of the world and will come to claim his throne in his own time. It´s only through the gospel that we find complete happiness.

Elder Reeves

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