Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 2

Fam Bam
Funniest/worst story ever.  So as a district leader i have to go get mail every day.  On friday night, Elder Kane and i went to go get the mail and there were 4 papers in the mailbox: one addressed to each of us going to Spain.  I quickly skimmed over the letter and read, "we have received your visa".  I yelled to Elder Kane and we both started freaking out and telling everyone and giving people hugs!  And then i decided i should read the whole thing.  I skipped over one word that changed the whole letter.  It really said, "we have not received your visa and you wont be able to leave on your scheduled departure date."  It felt like someone ripped my heart out and threw it in the trash.  Haha but now when we look back we just laugh.  So we're still waiting for our visas and they should be coming hopefully within the next couple of weeks.
 Emailing is hard here because your typing against a clock.  It gives you exactly a half hour and it starts counting down right as you open up the internet.  Sorry i forgot to tell everyone that its a ton easier if you use Dear Elder.com.  That way i can read the letters throughout the week and then i wont have to read any emails and use up the time to read.  I know i said i was going to send pictures this week so i went today to go print them out but apparently it takes 2-3 days for the pictures to print out. So i'll send the pictures when i can.
 Another crazy story... Yesterday we were going to the field for our gym time and we ran across the Elder from the District 2 videos.  Elder Moreno i think his name is?  It was pretty funny to see all the Elders going crazy and wanting to talk to him.  I shook his hand and talked to him for a minute.
I love the MTC more every day.  But i want to get to Spain so bad.  But I know everything is in the Lord's hands and everything will be done according to His will.  I am so grateful to be His servant and a tool in His hands.  This work is amazing and i love being able to feel the Spirit almost constantly.  Elder Kane and I have some bumps and differences that we have to get over each day but he is still an awesome companion.  There's something you have to learn from each companion and im definitely learning a lot from Elder Kane.  Love you all.  Oh and happy birthday padre and happy father's day!  I totally didnt even realize what the date was until my branch president announced it during sacrament on sunday.  Happy birthday to anyone else who had a birthday.  Sorry fam i dont know anyones birthday.  Until next week!
Love, Elder Reeves

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