Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Barcelona week 22 - The plan of salvation is real

Hello fam,

I got the package!! Thanks so much mom and dad for sending that. It was way too complicated but it worked out in the end. I was almost positive they had already sent it back to the states. I´ll wait to open everything for christmas. As for my release date mom.... not the biggest fan of thinking about it but yeah i´ll be finishing up the 12th of june. I can talk to Pres Pace tonight as we drive up to Lleida to see what he thinks. As for me, I would love to be able to have you and dad see my mission and visit some people. It wouldnt have to be a long trip but i would love to do so. I had also thought that maybe it would be possible to have me come back on the 12th and then come back 2 weeks later with you and dad when youre done with your things for relief society? It´s something that a lot of missionaries have done to come back and visit with their families. But i´d also love extending for 2 weeks as well. What ever works the best will be fine.
Well this week and next week and the week after that are probably the busiest weeks that i´ve had so far as ayudante. This week we started Zone conferences and have already taught at Valencia, Barcelona and Hospitalet. Im getting this email sent off really quick before we head up to Lleida tonight. It´s our zone conference for the month of december mixed with our Christmas conference. it´s SUPER good. So we´ll be in Lleida for tomorrow, then on Saturday, i´m going up to Bilbao to be with the Zone leaders up there while E. Cerqueira stays in Lleida with the zone leaders and then he´ll come up Sunday night to Bilbao and we´ll have the zone conference in Bilbao on Monday. Monday night we drive back to Barc and Tuesday and Wednesday we have transfer meetings, which will basically take up both those days. Then Wednesday night we fly to Palma to finish off in the Islands on Thursday next week. Finally we´ll get home on thursday night and have the weekend to be in our area a little bit, but then it starts up again on monday and tuesday when we spend the whole day doing things for the missionaries going home and the news coming in. This is my 4th transfer as ayudante so we´ll see what happens. I´m pretty positive i´m staying for another. President seems like he wants me to be here until the new year. Which is totally fine, I know the Lord still has things for me to do in this area.
Also just wanted to add my testimony about Emily now that we´ve past the 7 year mark. It´s been an incredible experience being with the Lopez family in my ward during these last couple of weeks. I´m not sure if anyone remembers, but i wrote about 2 months ago about a member named Nuria who had cancer? Anyways, she passed away on December 1st. Her husband, Enrique, is completely active and the 1st counselor in the bishopric. They have 2 daughters Miriam, 21 i think, and Marta, 15. Both daughters are inactive. Well Miriam has been super interested in coming back to church this last month of her mother´s life. We started visiting them regularly every week and teaching them basically as if Miriam was an investigator. She´s been coming to church for like the last 5 weeks and we were able to visit them 2 days before Nuria passed away. At the funeral on December 2nd, as i talked to Miriam, i told her about how it was a special day for me as well because it was the day Emily had passed away. I bore her my testimony that the plan of salvation is real and that her mom and Emily are alive and happy. She asked us if we could come back to teach her more about the plan of salvation. We went on tuesday and taught her and her boyfriend about the Spirit world and about the 3 kingdoms. As I testified of life after death, I knew - just as sure as I know that I, myself, am alive - that Emily and Nuria are alive. That they are with our loved ones, James, grandparents, others, and that they continue in their eternal progression towards eternal life in the celestial kingdom. I have no doubt of the truthfulness of the gospel. I have felt Emily´s presence and her help in the work. Everything has been prepared and made possible because our Savior, Jesus Christ came to the world and overcame the world. We are made free through Him. Free from physical and spiritual death. I love the gospel. I love Jesus Christ. I love Emily. I love my family.

Elder Reeves

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