Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Barcelona week 1 - 1 month too much

Well... so you heard the news, eh? It was a pretty big shock to me. I feel pretty inadequate and humbled to serve with President and Hermana Pace, especially to be able to help them get to know and adjust themselves to the mission. I just feel like the Lord relys on me a TON and I dont rely enough on Him. That´s definitely something that I´m coming to recognize and something that I´m working on changing. So this is what happened...
Friday morning last week, Elder Littlefield and i had just left piso to go out teaching in the morning. As we were arriving to the metro our phone rang. Elder Littlefield answered and it happened to be Elder Keeler, my current companion, and he said, "I´m calling on behalf of President Pace. He wants both of you to come into the office at 2:00." He hung up and then told me what happened. I thought, "oh no. I think one of us is getting transferred." I thought of the fact that Elder Middleton was leaving and that there would have to be a new ayudante and I immediately felt ok because I knew Elder Littlefield is perfect for that. But then I realized he only has 3 transfers left and the fear came back to me. After teaching in the morning, we went to the office. There were 2 other missionaries from our district that were there, Elder Greep (who has one transfer left) and Swenson (has 2 transfers more than me in the mission). President first called in Elder Greep who, afterwards, walked out silent. He wouldn´t tell me what happened so I just waited patiently... somewhat. Then Elder Swenson walked out after his interview and he said, "I cant believe we´re both going to the islands!" Their companionship has been serving in our zone but they both got transferred out and are going to 2 different areas on the islands. Big change for them. Then President called in Elder Littlefield. He was in there longer than the other 2 Elders so I was starting to wonder what was going on. I still had an uneasy feeling that Elder Littlefield or I would be Ayudante and I just prayed that the Lord would help me feel that whatever was going to happen was His will. Elder Littlefield walked out and President called me in for last. We sat down and the first thing he did was pull out a 25 anniversary book of the Madrid mission back in 1998, i think was the year. He flipped open to a page of him and it had his picture when he was a missionary, his info, some miracle experience, and then a picture of his family back in 1998. It was super neat. Then he flipped to another page. It was the page of Uncle Robert Reeves. It also had his picture when he was a missionary, his miracle experience, and then a picture of their family with all of our cousins. After reading the miracle experience, he started to get choked up and he turned to me and said, "your uncle was my first zone leader when I got to the mission. Every time I was with him or even just looked at him, I wanted to be a better missionary. He made a huge difference in my mission. I have seen that same quality in you. And I dont think it was a coincidence that we went out together my first night here in Spain. So, I would be honored and would love to be able to work with a Reeves again with you as my ayudante. Can you do that for me?" I sat there for a couple of seconds in silence amazed at the love that I felt from President Pace at that moment. I of course answered yes.
Even though I only had one month out of the office, i feel like ive learned the most in these last 6 weeks with Elder Littlefield than I have in my whole mission. I seriously and soooo grateful for that chance I had to serve in Hospitalet. I love Hospitalet. Its been amazing to see how the Lord has been preparing me for this. I still feel WAY inadequate and that I need to step it up a ton more but I honestly feel the support and preparation that God has given me. I´m excited to be able to work with President and Hermana Pace. They are so incredible. Every day they impress me more and more. There are some changes and there are some different focuses but i´m just going to embrace them. I know that President Pace is called of God. I know that he was prepared to serve here at this time and i´m just lucky to be able to follow him around and see him receive revelation for this mission.
I love my mission fam. It´s going way to fast. Oh by the way, Elder Keeler and I are being whitewashed into Barcelona 3. It´s the 3rd ward here in Barcelona and 2 other Elders were taken out and we´re being put in. There is another companionship with us here too. We´re way excited and we know Heavenly Father has been preparing so many people, especially families. We´re going to see tons of miracles here. Love you all. Pray for me. Pray that I can sleep. We´ve gotten like 6 hours of sleep in the past 2 nights. Haha good welcome to the ayudante life!

Elder Reeves

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