Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oficina week 17 - MOM???

Alright. Time for my story....
So because of the time change here in Europe we dont get to watch the saturday afternoon session on saturday because it´s already 10 at night when it starts. So sunday morning we watch the priesthood session and then they replay the saturday afternoon session and we watch it after priesthood. During the Priesthood session, about a half hour in, the Bilbao Zone leaders call me. I knew it had to be Elder Pericle (he got transferred there this last transfer) but i figured it could wait because I was watching conference so i just ignored the call. Once again, Bilbao calls me but i blocked it for the second time. I thought, "it must be something important because they called me twice." But i stayed watching the conference and decided to call him afterwards. After the session ended, i called him back and the first thing he asks me is, "have you heard the news?" and i asked him "what news?" Then he says, "what´s your mom´s first name?" "Linda", i said. "Is it really her??" he asked me. I replied, "what are you talking about? why did you want to know my mom´s first name?" now getting a little frustrated. He said, "your mom was just made the 2nd counselor in the relief society presidency." I just laughed and i knew he was joking because it was April fool´s day and i had already had some little jokes played on me that morning. I told him i didn´t believe him at all, and i really DIDN´T believe him, not for even a second. So he just said, "you´ll know." and then hung up. I just laughed inside and thought that was the worst april fool´s joke I had ever heard. Then the next session comes around, the saturday afternoon session. President Uchtdorf starts releasing a ton of 70´s and then releases the bishopric and then....... releases the relief society presidency. My heart sank and i thought, "oh no." But then I realized that Elder Pericle had to have seen the saturday session that sunday morning while i was watching the priesthood session and he knew i was going to see it. I still wasn´t convinced though. I started thinking that he actually played a pretty good joke on me because it scared me when i first heard the presidency being released. Then President Uchtdorf calls all of the 70´s and then calls the new bishopric, then the relief society. "President, Linda Burton". (when i heard "Linda" for the president i almost had a heart attack..... little did i know) "1st counselor", i cant remember her name. "Linda Sheffield Reeves, 2nd counselor". I just stared at the screen my eyes wide. "There has to be another Linda Sheffield Reeves", i thought. Elder Krasnoselsky turns to me and asks, "is that your mom?" I looked back at the other elders sitting behind us, their eyes wide open, smiling. My whole body was shock, still just staring at the screen trying to process what had just happened. Then everyone took there new seats and there was mom walking up to her new seat with the rest of the General Authorities. I didn´t see your face mom but i saw the back of your head and i knew it was you. I turned back to Elder Krasnoselsky and said, "that´s my mom". I dont remember much of what was said in that session.
So, CONGRATS MOM!!!! I don´t really know what that means for the future but i´m so excited for you!! How long is the calling going to be for? Are you going to be travelling all the time? How many Apostles are we going to have over for dinner every week? Haha just kidding, but not really. When it all sunk it i really wasn´t surprised that mom is in the presidency. I always knew that one day it would happen. But i just didn´t know it would happen so soon. Especially while im on my mission. All the missionaries in the mission are saying that dad´s going to become the prophet one day. President and Hermana Hinckley were super excited when i told them.
So a little bit about what´s going on in our area... I have a new companion!!! Elder Garces, from Lindon Utah. His mom is from Peru and his dad is from Venezuela but he was born in Utah and has lived there his whole life. He´s going to be replacing Elder Krasnoselsky, who´ll probably be leaving next transfer in 2 weeks. So as of right now we´re in a trio until Elder Garces is trained by Elder Krasnoselsky. He´s hilarious. His funny side reminds me a lot of Courtney´s personality, Courtney Bronson.. or used to be Bronson. So we´re getting along perfectly. He´s so bold too. He just teaches it how it is and nothing else matters. I´m loving it. He´s been out for one more transfer than me and was also born in Lleida but left after one transfer. We´re going to start seeing a ton of miracles in our area.
Well I have to get going. I love you fam and especially mom!! I´m praying for you and cant wait to hear more about the calling.

Elder Reeves

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