Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bilbao week 26 - Fasting and Prayer

Buenos días familia,

We have been contacting a lot and finding through our own efforts for the last couple of weeks and this week things just started falling into place. But i think it´s all coming together right now because of the prayers that we´ve been doing in the morning at 10:00 and because of fasting. We started to pray as a mission at 10:00 every morning to pray for 1000 new investigators in this month of June. And Elder Pearson loves fasting. There´s been times when we´ve gotten to visits after eating at mediodía and the investigator will offer us food and drinks and i´ll say, "yeah i´d love some!" Then i turn to my companion and he says "no thanks, im ok." and i realize that he´s fasting again. Well i decided that it´s not fair for my companion that he´s fasting and im not supporting him in those fasts so these last 2 weeks we´ve done a couple of fasts together and miracles have started to happen. We´ve found a new family and other people who are prepared and willing to listen to the gospel. It´s incredible.
I´m pretty sad because the new family that we had found a couple of weeks ago, Melina and her daughters Yoselin, Candi, and Ainoah, have been really hard to get in contact with. Ever since the dad Victor arrived, they started working a lot and it´s been impossible to visit them. They were going to come to an activity this last friday in the church but ended up not showing up. It´s that fine line that we have to play to try to be persistant but not overbearing. I´m praying a lot that this week we´ll be able to get things going again.
One of the new investigators that we found this week is Shiva from Nepal! (it´s crazy how many different people we teach from different countries) He was a contact on the street and has been brought up Hindu. He´s been here in Spain for the last 5 years and speaks really good spanish. For the last couple of months he started going to an Evangelical church and looking for God. Since there arent very many Hindus here, he´s started being more open and looking for answers. We taught him for the first time yesterday and he´s so good, so humble and just willing to learn. He understands a little bit about Jesus Christ but not much, so it was a little hard and different teaching him. He doesnt understand exactly what baptism is but he knows that if he gets baptized that he´s telling God that he wants to follow him. So we set a fecha and told him that we´re going to help him to find out if God is really there and how he can follow God in his life. He accepted and is excited to learn. We have a couple of visits set up for this week so we´ll see how it goes.
Love you all. Happy fathers day to all the fathers in the family. Dad, i´ve written you a personal email.
Elder Reeves

Here´s some pics of the last concilio

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