Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lleida week 16 - Jorge

Holy what happened to the nieces and nephews?? Everyone is HUGE!! Thanks Laurie and Sully for the pic. I loved it. Im super jealous that i couldnt be there to be with the family and play with my little brothers and sisters. It really feels like theyre all my brothers and sisters because ive grown up with them. I love you all Audrey, Madeline, Bradley, Braedon, Tyler, Lindsey, Andrew, Ashley, Sadie, Megan, James, Nathan, Sam, Aidan, Mandy, Shelby, Brenny, Natty, Caiden, Kenna, Tanner, Claira, Cambria, Kate, Conner, Lyla, and Max!!! Wow my head hurts. That was really hard. Sorry if i spelled names wrong. I tried my best.
So everything here in Lleida is the best except... its getting FREEZING. I bought a scarf today and we pretty much are wearing our gloves and jackets over our suits 24/7 now. Everything in La Seu is good too. Its actually warmer up there than it is here which is super weird because La Seu is in the mountains right under France. Oh and Valerie i was the closest ive ever been to you in a whole year! Thats right, me and Elder Rasmussen went up to Andorra to visit some less actives up there. It was crazy beautiful. Ive been blessed with so many experiences during my mission and im just barely starting. Sadly Melvi in La Seu wasnt able to go to church yesterday or the week before so we have to set another fecha with her. But we know she´s felt the Spirit and knows that these things are real. She just has to read and pray which she still hasnt done. We´re still praying and working hard with her.
Alright on to our miracle man Jorge....
Elder Bajaña and i fasted last week were expecting to see a baptism this last weekend but it didnt end up happening. But we knew our prayers and fasting hadnt been in vane. Saturday night when Elder Rasmussen and i got back from La Seu, Elder Bajaña and Elder Kane were in another visit so Elder Ras and i went to one of his visits. This investigator brought a friend who wanted to meet us. We taught the about the book of mormon and the prophet Joseph Smith. He loved it and told us that he´s been changing his life and doesnt want to do anything bad anymore and he´s been looking for a church to find different friends and to have a family in a church. We promised him that he found what he was looking for and he asked us where the church was so he could come the next day. We set a fecha with him for the 10th. He came to church and loved it. He asked me during church what he needs to do to become a missionary like us. The problem is he´s 36 but i told him that he can be a missionary as a member and help his family and friends. He´s super excited to share the gospel with everyone and we´ve only had 2 lessons with him. The lesson we had with him last night went for 2 and a half hours and he told us that he is more than 90% sure that he´s going to go to church every sunday and he hadnt even read or prayed about the Book of Mormon yet. His name is Jorge and he´s from Peru. Prayer and fasting is real. Sometimes God doesnt answer in the time and way we expect but He always does.
Fam this gospel is real. Im so glad all of you got to go to the temple together and do sessions. Keep going to the temple for me because i miss it like crazy. The temple is our piece of heaven on earth. It truly is the house of the Lord. Only there can we receive all the blessings of the gospel. If you keep going to the temple regularly, you will never stray off the path. Love you all

Elder Reeves

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