Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the father: Ye shall have eternal life. -2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lleida week 9 - Maria

My fam bam,

Sorry Souer Reeves i just made a group for the whole family so everyone will get my emails.  But mom or somebody if you could keep sending these emails to my Elders around the world that would be wonderful (Elders Marsden, moss, child, and seamons).
Jon+Leah=Austrailia??? what the when did this happen??  Thats way exciting.  You´ll definitely be the first family members i visit after the mission. Haha which will seriously seem like tomorrow with how fast the mission is going... i hit my 4 month mark a couple days ago and its only going faster every single day. 
We had the baptism with Maria this weekend!  It was so good and she asked me to baptized her.  It was definitely humbling but i was so glad to do it.  I messed up on the words the first time but then got it right the second time. Here is the story...
Maria is from Ecuador and was born Catholic but heard about the church through the missionaries when she was a little kid and even went to church at one time but nothing came out of it.  She moved to Spain sometime when she was older and met the missionaries again here in Spain but then moved to France.  She lived in France for a while and met the missionaries again.... I think the Lord was really trying to make her get the point.  Then she moved back to Spain to here in Lleida.  One day after Zone Conference here in Lleida, the Zaragoza missionaries went to the train station to go back to Zaragoza and the Hermanas, Hermana Fuentes and Strickland, got in the elevator and... there was Maria in the elevator.  They started talking to her and told her that some missionaries could stop by her piso and talk to her.  About a week later I think it was, Elder Pericle and I went to go see her and we just had a short lesson to get to know her and to talk a little about our message.  She already knew about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith and told us that she was really looking for the complete truth.  The next visit i was on intercambios with Elder Estrada and we taught her about the Restoration.  When we shared the story of Joseph Smith she started to tear up and the Spirit was SO strong.  We started to invite her to be baptized and we said, "Seguirá el ejemplo de Jesucristo al ser bautizada por...." and before we could even finish the sentence she said yes!  We set the date for October 8 and she was so excited.  We kept visiting her at least 3 times a week and she couldnt get enough of the lessons or the Book of Mormon.  She would take like 5 pages of notes for every reading assignment we gave her and we really didnt even teach her when we went over because she had already studied everything.  She easily made changes in her life and even got hate texts from her friends but she wouldnt stop moving forward in the gospel.  Our first visit with her was on September 8 and on October 8 she got baptized.  She already loves the ward and is making tons of friends.  That´s the most important part of the conversion... making sure that the ward takes in the new convert and keeps them going strong... and Maria is definitely getting the support from everyone.  Maria is INCREDIBLE.
Sounds like things are great back home but im sure things are better here in the mission field.  Haha love you all

Elder Reeves

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